School of Sunheart Shamanism

School of Sunheart shamanism 2024

Spiral 1 Opening the Sunheart Temple

Course fees are £666/777/888 a weekend sliding scale.
Dates are 8/9th June    3rd/4th august      12/13th October

The substance of our soul is part of the fabric of life and the living tapestry of creation. Soul is the light hidden in darkness, the source of change and the divine connection in the heart of each person.
This light hidden in darkness is our instinctual self, our natural way of being and the primal source of meaningful changes. Even as things fall apart, our soul would have us find our true path in life. Each time we align with the inner thread of soul we can experience an awakening of imagination and a renewal of the flow of life energy.
The world aligns with us when we align with the core pattern and innate purpose set within our heart. Changes at the level of the individual heart and soul can generate the collective energy needed to change the conditions of the world.
Michael meade

Dates : June 8th and 9th 2024

The Age of Pachakuti, the Golden age is here and we begin to work with
the light body and energy centres.
we will tending to the Sunheart Temple, the Hridaya.
Andean illumination process.
Aramaic codes and oils.
The Mesa bundle

Opening and tending to the beloved heart
The age of pachakuti , super conciousness, the unfolding of prophecy and what that means
Preparing our souls and light boy and immersing ourselves into our sacred energy centres of light and harmony🙏🏽
Learning Shamanic techniques to prepare yourself and others for this age of pachakuti .
☀️Taming of the Jaguar, releasing adrenaline and restoring your harmony , aligning with Gaias ecosystem through the light body, inner harmony of soul and body
☀️The Heart illumination Technique to clear the Heart Centre of Density, and wounds , working with the river of Grace to consecrate as Holy/ Sacred
☀️How to build a despacho, as an offering to the sacredness of life and Devotion
☀️Building of a sacred Mesa Bundle from the heart , from the hiridya, the seed of your soul and devotion to the light and to work with Ayni.
Introduction to the Hiridya , the Sunheart temple
This weekend we will also be immersed in Aramaic codes , the Holy oils and tanpura frequencies to support this work

Dates : August 3th and 4th 2024

Soul mending/ the ancient art of soul retrieval.
The soul map.
rites of passage.
the mesa

The dreaming body and Expansion and surrender
☀️Learn the ancient practices of Shamanic journeying and soul retrieval with the shamanic drum
☀️Soul mending for a New age
Going deep into the heart and soul of the matter, the hiridya and the journey of rites of passage, initiation, transition and soul evolution through the Map of Soul.
☀️learn how to assist people to see the world through their soul eyes
☀️ the Mesa and Soul mending
transcendental journeys with the Tanpura

Dates : October 12th and 13th 2024

creating ayni.
conciousness of gaia.
The soul of the world.
new earth consciousness.
archtypes – all our relations.
new earth shamanism.
placenta ritual

Heaven and Earth, unity

☀️Creating Ayni and what that means, merging with the world of living energy
☀️bridging Heaven and Earth within Anchoring the Archetypes from all our relations into your light body and awareness to honour our place as and ecosystem of heaven and Earth from the place of prophecy
☀️the soul of the world
☀️New Earth conciousness, what does that mean in terms of new earth soul work, the coming together of the 3 worlds
☀️Despacho for your heart and the holding within of the cosmic light
Embodiment rooted sacred rite to rebirth yourself and your purpose and the receiving of the shawl, the veil, coming back to belonging into the sacredness of you and sacred union within

Course fees include
☀️3 coaching zoom calls
☀️All the teachings over 6 whole days
☀️Continuous Coursework throughout the year, pdfs , audios and videos
☀️Baptism, and anointing and placenta Ceremony
☀️initiation rites
☀️Holy oils
☀️Material to study
☀️Certificate if you wish
☀️beautiful sacred temple space

Course fees include
☀️3 coaching zoom calls
☀️All the teachings over 6 whole days
☀️Continuous Coursework throughout the year, pdfs , audios and videos
☀️Baptism, and anointing and placenta Ceremony
☀️initiation rites
☀️Holy oils
☀️Material to study
☀️Certificate if you wish
☀️beautiful sacred temple space

To find out more and to Enroll for the School. Apply here:

Second Year

Spiral 2 – Embodying the Resurrection – more details soon

The Second year is the advanced work of embodying the ressurection.. we will study and experience the rites of death and ressurection.the practices of the quero indians, the essenes and sunheart shamanism will take you deeper into initation, personal and collective. the main focus will be awakening to love and death consciousness through your sunheart. We will be experiencing the halo of christ through afterlife journeys, connection to our loved ones in spirit. Sunheart shamanism is new earth shamanism that brings you to conscious living and dying and seeing the world through your soul eyes. embodying the ressurection is living in the new earth paradigm of being homo luminous , light beings.

Dates to be confirmed

Deeper into the soul map and the evolution of soul.
the mandala of the soul of humanity.
The phrophecy.
Andean death Rites.
sawchay future self.
soul mending

dates to be confirmed

near death experience.
life review and soul mending.
life purpose.
death doula.
return of the sacred human.
initation ceremony to recieve who they truly are and to tend to the sactedness of life.
embodyment – field of plenty

dates to be confirmed

Deeper into the magdalena heart .
the halo. grace, embodying consciousness of the afterlife.
heaven to earth.
miracles and radiance.
grief as medicine

Birthing the New Earth through the Heart

Email Us :


Healing the Maiden

“The incredible beauty that takes place in the emerging growth and development of a young soul, a girl, that happened to us all, once upon a time…and the absolute gift that we have been given as mothers/Aunts/friends to witness this in our young.That in doing this course and learning and using the tools that Hannah and Eartha have shared so far is like re discovering a lost language that has now taken on a life of its own within me. I keep having experiences that are affirming how essential this work is not only for ourselves but for our young, our villages, all our futures and restoring Elderhood”

Iya, North Wales.

“My medicine bundle has been a wonder. I have always created little altars wherever I am and in different areas of my home or on the land etc, but I have never had a safe snug altar simply to myself which is how I am experiencing my medicine bundle. Wow what a gift”

“I’m feeling to say, our work is brave work, and female medicine has been repressed which is releasing in us and in the world around us, so what emerges when engaging in this work isn’t wrong or bad, its just bursting out and seeking the village, integration, support and loving kindness, all of our voices, all our weird and wonderfulness are needed and what we trigger in each other is releasing the flow, which together we can learn to steady”

Belinda, North Wales.

“So beautiful. Im drinking deeply from the cup of everything that I received last weekend. My life is shifting dramatically, everything is right in my face and there is so much to process, so I am so grateful for the grounding of my sealskin bundle, bringing me back to myself”

Rosemarie, Frome.

“im missing your presence and still processing all the healing and wisdom from our time together. Ive been meditating with my soulskin, singing the songs, and remembering all of our precious maiden ceremonies….so much beauty, acceptance and connection…

Jayne, Bognor