The Arms of the Beloved

The Path of Ecstatic Living and Dying

Ecstatic Death and Sacred Grief.

The holy act of grieving comes from being fully open to surrendering to life as it is in the present moment…letting go deeply of what is not in alignment to the path of dying.

The grief and the journey of grieving is the beautiful path of opening, opening, opening, more and more and more. The temple then you can enter, and in there is the light of the radiant sun…your soul.

when you are in grieving you are opening and experiencing your sunheart as you let go and expand into the grace.
Grief is such a gift, the pain that causes grief is a gift. we grieve because we love, the love is all there is.. the pain takes us to love and the love takes us to the radiance of the eternal beloved.

We begin to experience the temple of the beloved heart, which then takes us deep into the soul quest of the radiant light

We also facilitate a retreat for all brothers and sisters who have some experience of healing, for those wanting to step into soul midwifery and death doula, for those wanting to prepare for a conscious death or to help loved ones pass, for those experiencing grief and for those who are wanting to feel the love of the times we are in, for shamanic practitioners.

During this weekend we will be raising the vibration to the 5d level and bathing ourselves in eternal love and ceremony to help us prepare for our inner and outer death thresholds

As we move through a collective death threshold, we face physical death and also the death-old paradigm, of all we have ever known… The journey is the same, we are awakening to love…

How do we learn to surrender and let go so we can be fully conscious in our lives.. in our death process and the rebirth that always follows this retreat we will share and gather to prepare ourselves to surrender to love, to die and stay fully alive.


Earthas wisdom and way of sharing it is beyond… she touches areas essential for the healthy evolution of our culture and encourage the individual to become their own teacher. THANK YOU for making space of remembrance, grace and exploration.

The soul mending sessions has unlocked many keys in my consciousness, how to transform pain into beauty and seeing death as medicine, how to follow my body, how to view lifes evolution through my souls eyes and most importantly , how to open and lead with the intelligence of my heart ~ where my wise elder lives..

Earthas way of teaching is humble, filled with depth and she is so attuned to every single being in the room

I entered the session with an overwhelmed energy and thanks to Eartha and the other wise sisters in the circle I feel so much more rooted in myself and filled with love. Thank you ❤

Dear Eartha, warm, radiant and wise you create and hold such beautiful space for healing. Gifting, guiding and empowering the balm of heart tending and soul mending. Essential work for the health of the village. A blessed treasure, so much love 🌟💛🌻

Thankyou for all that you are and share so open heartedly with us, beautiful 💫